Tuesday 22 March 2011

Forum Tips for Week One

***DAY 1***

Post #11248.1

I just quit yesterday after smoking for over 20 years and a pack a day... This day seems really hard. I have the patch on to help me, but I keep thinking of having a cigarette... This is my second attempt in quiting smoking.. I really want to do it this time, but am finding it very hard. Also worried about ganing weight and I don't seem to know what to do with myself. Can anyone help me through these next few days.

Answer from: Sandra(Kanela1)
Post #11248.2

i am a newbie as well and smoke free for 3 days, 11 hours, 49 minutes and 6 seconds. 87 cigarettes not smoked. $21.75 saved. i started with the patch but it sort of gave me a headache so i am plugging along without. I knew I was going to quit and I don't know if this will help you but this is what I did before I started: joined a support group - this one and read everything i can about not smoking. i know the health hazards - we all do. i wanted information on how to stop and what to do once stopped. made a commitment to myself that number 1, i would not smoke no matter what and that i would listen to what other people had to say on this forum. there are many successes here. made sure i had a refrigerator full of freshly steamed and raw vegetables (i've always eaten alot of veges so this wasn't something new for me) have lots of peaches, berries, banannas, grapefruit, apples, etc... on hand. i don't keep chips, candy or fattening foods in my home - well, i do have some ben and jerry's in the refrig but once that is gone i will replace it with fruit popsicles. check out Fitday.com - it is a great program that you can customize to keep track of EVERY SINGLE THING YOU PUT INTO YOUR MOUTH. You will be very aware of your calorie intake. I too don't want to gain weight and if i watch what i eat and exercise, i should be okay. you should be too. have a water bottle filled at all times which i carry with me everywhere water in my car my exercise program is in place and i go to the gym at least once a day for a class or just to lift weights everytime i want a cig, i sip water or as suggested do deep breathing exercises. i read and answer messages on the forum which helps me tremendously. however, i can't do this all the time so one needs to find things to do, hobbies, walks, talking to someone, WHATEVER!!!!!You will find that you will get many great tools here - everything you could think of. You just have to decide what feels good and works for you. The above is working for me. Read what others have done and continue to do and keep coming back. honestly, i can say that the last few days were a bit rough but not nearly as rough as i thought they would be or what other people said. We all have different experiences with this. Do not be afraid - you are not giving up a friend here, you are giving up a killer!

***DAY 2***

post #11848.1

ARGGHHHHH!!!!!! I'd forgotten how hard this is!!!! I have not had a cigarette for a whole 1 DAY 4 HOURS, 37 MINUTES AND 54 SECONDS and I am tearing my hair out!!! I am sooooo miserable:-(

I woke this morning congratulating myself on the first 24 hours without smoking but the euphoria didn't last long, I am like a bear with a sore head, I want to climb the walls and scream the place down!!!

Answer from: Jilly(JILLYANDERSO)
Post #11848.2

This quit is for YOU Paula, so please be extra kind to yourself and remember - baby steps to start with and one hour or even one minute at a time.

Make lists of why you want to quit and things to do when a crave hits you (avoidance tactics!). Also make a list of special treats to reward yourself - just simple things like making time for you,
reading a favourite magazine,
listening to some relaxing music,
going for a walk somewhere nice,
turn your bathroom into a beauty spa for the day and indulge yourself etc and hey, if you want to scream then do so if it helps you!

View the original article here

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